Quick & Accurate Quotes

  • Conference/Commercial Printing
  • Digital Media (USB/CD/DVD/Online)


"I chose BooksOnDemand.com at the suggestion of my illustrator. They worked closely with me to achieve the desired result. Moreover, they were fast and thorough and produced a high quality product, perfectly bound, spaced, glued and with vibrant color to the illustrations..."

Elton A. Foster

File Layout Inspection


The Printing House is a second set of eyes for your organization. With your company or agency brand always in mind, our staff reviews all submitted content. Using a checklist of items for overall consistency, we keep an eye out for the details that demonstrate professional quality of your print or digital materials -- page counts, consistent margins, pages in order, charts and graphics in proper places, and of course all content in your outline present and included. We consult with you on any items in question. 

The Printing House provides a proof copy to your designated conference organizer to ensure the final printed or digital product meets your expectations.

Contact us today-- one phone call or email gets you started. From your free estimate to your finished format, The Printing House is your partner in publication.
 The Printing House is a second set of eyes for your organization. With your company or agency brand always in mind, our staff reviews all submitted content. Using a checklist of items for overall consistency, we keep an eye out for the details that demonstrate professional quality of your print or digital materials -- page counts, consistent margins, pages in order, charts and graphics in proper places, and of course all content in your outline present and included. We consult with you on any items in question. 

The Printing House provides a proof copy to your designated conference organizer to ensure the final printed or digital product meets your expectations.

Contact us today-- one phone call or email gets you started. From your free estimate to your finished format, The Printing House is your partner in publication.